Monday, April 5, 2010

Lotsa Questions

(A growing list)
  • Can caffeine be produced commercially by agrobacterium-changed microorganisms?
  • Is Fire a black-body emitter, like the sun?
  • Can salvaged American Chestnut "barnboard" lumber be spalted? Is it resistant? Can only freshly dead wood be spalted?
  • Could Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) be crossed with Ebony (Diospyros ebenum or Diospyros crassiflora) to make a tree which 
    • (1) produces tasty, seedless persimmons, 
    • (2) grows well in the range of the american persimmon, 
    • (3) produces, at a faster-than-average rate, quality wood having the qualities of the lumber species, and 
    • (4) is not too susceptible to what pests may attack persimmon on the american continent?
  • How much land does a man need?
  • What are the aspects of a human-life-sustaining landscape? The goal is to make a permanent, self-sustaining, human-suited, beautiful landscape.
    • What is absolutely necessary to ensure human happiness as far as landscape goes?
    • What is the optimal set-up for such a site? Food and Shelter must be permanently available.
    • What is the best climate for human life?
  • Is it better to be famous for fifteen minutes or famous to fifteen people?
  • How do underwater-flowering plants work?
  • What causes curly, quilt, and birdseye figure in maple wood?
  • Why should I post this? The throngs crowding this pixel of the interblagowebz might leave this post as just the top of an infinite stream of comments, each answering all these questions with theories and new knowledge. 
    • Nah, that'll never happen.


Hubcap said...

ummmm... yeah, I can never get those two minutes back...

Joshua Willis said...

You wouldn't have used them well anyway...