Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day at Virginia Tech, Fall 2009

The journey of a thousand miles begins badly

I didn’t do so well on Monday. I blame Friday. That’s when I played Ultimate Frisbee on the Drillfield. I played barefoot, stupidly, and wore my feet out. After almost two months of full time work and wearing of work shoes it seems my feet have weakened. It’s Monday night, almost eleven, and I can barely hobble around. I can’t stand without pain. I’ve taken 1200 milligrams of Ibuprofen today and I’ve not felt the slightest effect. I’ve taken more over the weekend, plus a variation of aspirin, and not once was there the least respite from the pain. I hobbled around at work, probably making everything worse. I hobbled around everywhere today, no doubt doing the same. Agh!

 Today was a bad day all around. I didn’t sleep long last night, or well. I had a bloody nose during the night and woke up to blood streaming from me into the crease my face made on the pillow. Somehow I shrugged this off; I was in a slumbering stupor evidently. I woke up to dried blood everywhere. It’s still on the pillow. Not a good start for the day.

 I made $100 and discovered that my work shoes were injurious to me at work yesterday. Today I bought new shoes (luckily I could return the bad shoes, they were only a month old). The old ones had a bar sticking up right in front of the heel, which evidently stressed the fascia there and all around the arch of my left and right feet. It felt terrible, but for some dumb reason I finished the last half of my double shift instead of going home. When I visited the Schiffert Health Center on Monday the doctor told me I have Plantar Fasciitis. I probably set the healing time back a week just by finishing my shift on Sunday. I won’t be able to work, I don’t think, for a week or two while I heal. I wonder what will happen. Money's a concern for the first time in a long time. I need to get to school, and I need to walk. I can’t make money at my present job. I need to inform my managers tomorrow that I’ll probably not be working on Wednesday or any of the other days this week and maybe next. I need a freaking wheelchair.

Today I spent fifty on gas, sixty on a textbook, and another ten or twenty on odds and ends. I drove Tan to Wal-Mart, something he’d needed to do for a few days. I’m helping him move furniture tomorrow. I hope I can have someone else move it, I can’t stand without pain. I can’t even push the freaking gas pedal without pain. I can’t end this pain, either. I’m going to down some more Ibuprofen and go to bed. Today was a disaster.

I was late for my first class today. I left early to find parking and was late because not only could I find none on campus, but I had to hobble across campus to get to class. Today was a disaster.

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